Tuesday, November 28, 2006

WOD, 11/28

Here it is:

Get a 50# dumbell. Find a stretch of grass. Make some kind of marking where youre standing, measure out 15 feet from that, make another mark. Got it?

Pick the dumbbell up with both hands, go into a full squat, and throw it at the mark 15 feet away, using your arms, legs, and chest. Lung over to the weight,(4-5 lunges for me) pick it up, repeat the process.

So 1 count= 1 Dumbbell throw + 4-5 lunges

The workout is: 21-15-9-3
-Dumbell throws/lunges
-jumping pull-ups

you could really do regular pull-ups, but my back is sore from pull-ups yesterday, and I was trying to keeep my heartrate up without having the pull-ups slow me down.

Time: ~15:00

I noticed I could have done it faster. The part that got worked the most was my back, and my legs and shoulders a little. I may have to tweak it a bit in the future.

Now I'm off to the gym. I'm planning on alternating 500M rows, situps and pushups, something like

3 Rounds:
500M Row
50 Push-ups
50 Sit-ups

1 comment:

Matthew Cricchio said...
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