Saturday, December 23, 2006

WOD, 12/23

Well, the whole nature of the "challenge" changed about 2 weeks ago. matt moved back down to Richmond, so we have been working out together. Another blog, has been started to keep tracked of our group WODs. This week, I'm back home for Christmas, and I'll be working out by myself.

I did Tabata Something else today, which is 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, for 8 rounds each of pull-ups, push-ups, situps, and squats. I scored by total number of each exercise.

Squats: 156
Sit-ups: 101
Pull-ups: 44

Pull-ups were terrible. I need to be working on them.

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

WOD, 12/6 "The Filthy Fifty"

I gave the old beast a try. It didnt look too hard, I mean just 50 of a bunch of easy exercises? Well, I was wrong. Unlike the "Murph", this one pushed my aerobic capacity to the limit. I was breathing heavily the entire time. It felt good. Anyways, here's the workout:

For time:
50 Box jump, 24 inch box -did these last, not first
50 Jumping pull-ups - unbroken
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood - unbroken
Walking Lunge, 50 steps - unbroken
50 Knees to elbows - broken like crazy.
50 Push press, 45 pounds - 15-12-10-8-5
50 Back extensions - 25-25. I should have been able to do these in one go.
50 Thrusters, 20 lbs. 25-25
50 Burpees - broken like crazy. first experience with burpees
50 Double unders - can barely do DU's. No good.

Time: 28:02

that's a little over 3 seconds per rep. Figuring none of these exercises should take over 1 second per rep, thats over 2 second of rest per rep. Room for improvement is obvious right there. I can't wait to try this one out again.

WOD, 12/5

Alright, I havent been keeping up with things the past few days. I didnt work out this past monday, and maybe sunday. I cant even remember, but here's my WOD for 12/5


1-mile run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Sit-ups
1-mile run


I realized a few things:
-my pull-ups are still lacking.
-my push-ups are lackng
-my legs are decently strong for my bodyweight

My aerobic capacity didnt get taxed at all here. I'm pretty used to running a mile at this point, and since I completed all of one exercise before moving on to the next, I ended up just burning up my muscles before I got winded.

I'd like to start making up my own workouts on a regular basis. But I think I will wait a little while, until I really have an idea of what I need to work on, and what makes up a good workout. That'll take some experimentation.

Saturday, December 2, 2006

WOD, 12/2

Skipped out on yesterday's workout. No good. Anyways, here's what I did today.

Push-up burnout
Pull-up burnout

One round of Barb
-2:25 minutes

which is interesting, because that's much better than my previous times. And I had just done it a few days ago! My room mate tried the workout, and got better times than me, in the mid 2 minute range. So I had to show that I could compete. It's times like that which show me how much I thrive on competition when it comes to fitness.

after that, it was
3x3x3x3x3x3x3 Overhead squats

This is my first time with OHS, quite awkward. I could do a little more weight, but I need to work on shoulder flexibility and balance. I can tell how important form is for these.