Wednesday, December 6, 2006

WOD, 12/5

Alright, I havent been keeping up with things the past few days. I didnt work out this past monday, and maybe sunday. I cant even remember, but here's my WOD for 12/5


1-mile run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Sit-ups
1-mile run


I realized a few things:
-my pull-ups are still lacking.
-my push-ups are lackng
-my legs are decently strong for my bodyweight

My aerobic capacity didnt get taxed at all here. I'm pretty used to running a mile at this point, and since I completed all of one exercise before moving on to the next, I ended up just burning up my muscles before I got winded.

I'd like to start making up my own workouts on a regular basis. But I think I will wait a little while, until I really have an idea of what I need to work on, and what makes up a good workout. That'll take some experimentation.

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