Saturday, December 23, 2006

WOD, 12/23

Well, the whole nature of the "challenge" changed about 2 weeks ago. matt moved back down to Richmond, so we have been working out together. Another blog, has been started to keep tracked of our group WODs. This week, I'm back home for Christmas, and I'll be working out by myself.

I did Tabata Something else today, which is 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, for 8 rounds each of pull-ups, push-ups, situps, and squats. I scored by total number of each exercise.

Squats: 156
Sit-ups: 101
Pull-ups: 44

Pull-ups were terrible. I need to be working on them.

1 comment:

Matthew Cricchio said...

We actually should still hold a challenge. It will be good for morale.